We’re home. Safe and sound. Nothing like having your first vacation as a single mom start off with not being able to check into the hotel because your credit card has been cancelled thanks to some joker who tried to commit fraud at a Target in Brooklyn. Super (Insert maximum sarcastic tone here). After a few phone calls, a bit of stress and the threat of tears (mine), we were good to go. Although, I could have done without the additional headache of a stalled Pathfinder after loading up the car at check-out. Someone please tell me it’s going to get smoother from here. But the kids had a blast and I survived, so I’m gonna call it a success.
While I was away, I received the following message from my friend and SMR teammate, Ken. By the way, this is the guy I’ve had a conversation with while in adjoining port-o-johns. Now that’s bonding! Anyway, his message:
“Spring break provides a chance to bond with our kids in ways that our normal routines do not allow. As for working out, do what you can. You suffer from the same problem I do, you believe that going at life at 100% is the only way to go at it. Unfortunately our muscle fibers need to heal or we end up in the gray zone with no improvement. So take these days as a chance to let the muscle fibers heal up while your workouts are easier.”
He’s exactly right. And that’s exactly what I did. My workouts were anywhere from minimal to non-existent. However, my heart fibers were what got truly stretched.
My workouts included things like practicing the fine art of “car dancing” and climbing many levels of stairs to reach the top of the water slide. Although, I have to admit, it wasn’t just for the stair climb workout that I carted a giant intertube up those stairs so many times, I’m kind of a big kid like that.
I have to give my kids huge props. They were champs. They humored their mom’s hairbrained idea to go for a hike when it was only registering 18 degrees out. Seriously, isn’t this supposed to be SPRING break?! What’s with the excessively low temps?! But, we did it. We saw deer, climbed trees, caught some fantastic views and had ourselves a good ol’ time…at least until the whining of “I’m hungry” and “I can’t feel my feet” set in. Just as Ken said, I go at life at 100%, so as tough as it was for me to accept that I wasn’t going to be able to complete all the trails I wanted to, I needed to do what was best for my kiddos and know when to say when.
I’d have to say, though, that the best workout of the week award goes to the laughter Silas provided as he did his spontaneous poolside dance party to “Moves Like Jagger”. That kid does have some sweet moves and he had me laughing long and hard. There is no better way to burn a few calories and tighten up the abs than laughing.
Like I said, my heart fibers got stretched more than any other part of me this week. Ally and I doing multiple slide runs together, Ethan spotting more deer than anyone and his declaration that “This hike is AWESOME” and riding the lazy river with Silas; those are all things I will hold in my heart forever. Even long after I’ve forgotten various tempo runs and speed workouts…well, ok, I don’t cherish speed work at all.
But here was the part that really got me. As an added bonus, we had access to an indoor amusement park as well so my kids got to ride the likes of the Growler and the Tilt-a-whirl to their hearts’ content (and to their mom’s nausea! I love rollercoasters, but the spinning, Oh, the incessant spinning…). The first night Silas kept dragging me onto rides because he needed me there. By the end of the last night, he was doing rides by himself. As I watched my three sweethearts climb onto the Growler together, (a huge blessing for the fighting to subside for a brief and beautiful window) I was so amazed by my little man’s courage. He’s not a baby anymore.
As a parent, it’s my responsibility to teach my kids how to spread their wings and learn how to fly. But who knew that at the same time I’m teaching them, I would be re-learning how to do that myself?
One of our family rituals is at dinner time we go around the table and each say our best and worst thing of the day. We hadn’t done that during this trip, until lunch yesterday at Nonie’s Cafe. The kids said their “bests” were everything from hiking, the wave pool, going into Chicago to see friends, the ropes course, the various rides, Shedd Aquarium, the water slides. They basically made a list of everything we had done and called it the best. But I have to agree with them. My best was…all of it. And my worst was…umm, yeah, I don’t really have a worst.
Well, I guess I probably coulda done without the whole credit card debacle.